
Resources available to the bereaved by suicide community have grown dramatically in recent years. Along with local articles and stories, books and poems the internet has now provided access to worldwide support networks which can be found on the links page.

SUICIDE AND LANGUAGE – Why we shouldn’t use the ‘C’ word

By Susan Beaton MAPS, beyondblue Suicide Prevention Advisor, Dr Peter Forster MAPS, University of Worcester and Dr Myfanwy Maple MAASW, University of New England

Suicide is not a sin and is no longer a crime, so we should stop saying that people ‘commit’ suicide. We now live in a time when we seek to understand people who experience suicidal ideation, behaviours and attempts, and to treat them with compassion rather than condemn them. Part of this is to use appropriate, non-stigmatising terminology when referring to suicide.

Article on Hope

Postvention is ultimately about hope and about re-establishing hope in a person, a community or workplace that has been devastated by a suicide

Questions we ask ourselves

Those who have been bereaved by suicide are often haunted by two questions:

– Why did they do it?
– Could I have done something to prevent it?

Grief and Forgiveness: How To Start A New Year

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions any more. I see them as a recipe for failure. When my husband first died I bought a plaque that said, “Have An Adequate Day.” It made me laugh - but I also felt it was something I could live up to. I don’t like setting expectations...



Headspace is a community based youth mental health service for people aged between 12 and 25.



This web site contains a large volume of information covering a large number of situations including grief and loss.



Grieflink is an information rich website providing resources to the bereaved and grieving, their carers, friends, colleagues and for health and welfare workers. This website contains a large volume of information covering a variety of situations including grief and loss.